How many lies can you put out there before people realize something is not quite right? Obama campaigned as a peace maker and has turned out to a worse war monger than even Bush. He then faked his own birth certificate when the pressure became too much and when that did not work and his ratings started to plunge it was time to launch the ultimate lie and pull out the Osama has been killed lie. Osama died years ago of kidney failure or was he not killed by US troops in 2003 or I thought we killed him on the cave of  Tora Bora? Take your pick. The latest photoshop fraud is even worse than the birth certificate debacle. My bet is they will use the fake Osama death to launch a full out war in Pakistan, which will divert attention from the fake birth certificate, and then the fake peace monger (remember the book 1984 by Orwell and “peace is war”) will use these events as a pretext to roll out further draconian measures to protect our liberty. The slogans of Newspeak are “War is Peace”, “Freedom is Slavery” and “Ignorance is Strength.” Obama or Osama take your pick is now in Elvis and Hoffa territory. Where is the body? Fake DNA samples and mysterious burials at sea? How dumb, docile, and domesticated have we become? The body will never be shown because he died years ago and we only have the fake photoshop version now.

Kenyan Birth Certificate President Obama

Kenyan Birth Certificate President Obama

President Obama Long Form Birth Certificate

President Obama Long Form Birth Certificate - Official Whitewashed Version

obama or osama offon

Faked Obama Birth Certificate

Faked Obama Birth Certificate - as per Grandma Dunham version

Canadian Obama Birth Certificate

Canadian Obama Birth Certificate

Fake Osama bin Laden Photoshop Photo - Deception and Lies!